Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa! Oh no

I think it went well...... Better than I thought it would. I even gave him a candy cane! I felt bad but I was laughing the whole time. My friend Jamie's little boy is about the same age, you should have seen his photo, pretty much the same thing. I mean its the first santa photo it's supposed to look like this. Thanks Jamie for inviting us to go. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My New Couch!

I haven't gone anywhere in days. Well ok today I left but since I got this its very easy to stay in. 
I love laying down and snuggling with my boys. Its so nice to finally have a place for visitors to sit! The couch is so soft too. 

Little movies of Gavin's awesome moves

I just wanted to tell Kaden thanks for growing out of your total awesome "Chucky Cheese" shirt and thanks to Jessica for hating it enough to bring it all the way to utah. He loves the way he feels in it. 

Our Tree

Here is our tree it is so pretty I love it. My uncle Larry let us cut it down at his "property" hehe. It was really fun to go see him and his family. He has the cutest wife and kids. My Dad also came down just so we could go get this. Thanks so much Dad and Uncle Larry! this is the nicest tree we have had. If you notice I didn't take a picture of the whole tree. For some reason I was unable to decorate about the first two feet. Some one wanted to chew on the lights.

"Show me the face"

Gavin does this face every time you ask to see the face. 
He has recently added puckered up lips to the furrowed brow. It is so funny to see. I laugh everytime. I think he really likes doing this. Look at how dirty his shirt is!

You can never have enough Gel!

Gavin insisted on doing his own hair. Notice it's only done on the right side.
He just got out of the bath and with all this gel in his hair I had to put him right back in. 
Everyday now since this happened he has, has, has to have gel in his hair. Oh and hair spray. 
What ever keeps them happy, busy and off your leg. 
Aww it's so much gel. 

Monday, December 8, 2008

One of the Boys

Gavin loves hanging out late with the guys and playing games. This is our friends from right to left. Chris and James.
I think Gavin can really relate to them. I think he thinks they are really big babies because of the bald thing. 
You wouldn't think by looking at them but they are really good babysitters. Gavin loves them.