Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin! She has normal cute hair!

I am so excited about the new VP nominee. I, like a lot of other conservatives was not excited at all about McCain. But now with Palin I feel like there is hope. She is such a awesome women with out her political experience that with it she's amazing. I really love that she is in the race. I did some research about what she has accomplished in Alaska here is what I found out.

The state has a savings account! a savings account because of her. She is big on tax reform and cutting government spending.

A lot of people are going to bring up the fact that her husband works for the oil company's, saying that she's "in bed with them" This is completely untrue. Palin implemented the highest tax on oil companies in Alaskan history. With that money she was able to give everyone a $1200.00 tax rebate!

Palin has said that she is as "Pro life as any candidate can be". She's a great role model for the cause considering that her last child was born with downs syndrome. Palin found out at the beginning of the pregnancy.

Palin is a life long member of the NRA.

Her approval rating is in the 80-90% REALLY!

She was elected Governor despite the anti-republican feel that the race took.

Her son enlisted in the Army last year on September 11 and is now in IRAQ.

Fighting corruption; The prior administration in Alaska was corrupt. Palins first action as governor was to sell a jet purchased by the prior administration on state credit. She sacked several appointee's of the old governors due to what sounds like "none action" and bias. Here is a direct quote regarding this particular appointee. "Alaskans voted for change," said Palin. "Not just at the top level, but throughout government. Mr. Clark is on record opposing any pipeline proposals outside of the one he helped craft. That's a bias the ANGDA board doesn't need."

She reportedly broke in to the state republican boss's computer to find out if he had broken the state ethics law while a member of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. The republican boss resigned quickly thereafter. A technician said " it looked like he tried to delete this, but she knew a way to go around and get some of the deleted stuff". She means business.

She is suing the bush administration to prevent polar bears from being put on the endangered species list.

She is for drilling in ANWR

Her credentials;
(Obama's would read elected to senate ran for president, I would really like to know even three things that Obama has actually done not just voted on. He doesn't even have executive experience. I am just confused as to why he is capable for the actual president seat? It's funny our vice president nominee is more qualified then there presidential nominee. Sarah Palin has actually produced the kind of Change that Obama can only talk about. HAHA.)
Palin has only been Governor since December 4, 2006, but she has done so much in so little time
Palin's ten years Obama's junior. Prior to her Governorship, she served on the City Council of Wasilla, a medium-sized city (for Alaska) and then as Mayor for another two terms. She resigned from her position as Ethics Commissioner on the state's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in protest over what she perceived to be the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders. Also, she is the mother five children, including her special-needs son. Think that will stop her? Palin was to deliver a speech when her water broke; she delivered the speech, gave birth, then returned to the Governor's chair three days later.
That I thought was extremely impressive. I could go on. She means what she says and is a doer. She has a actual recored for keeping her promises. She's a saver and values our hard earned money. And hey she's a woman. I love her! McCain This is the first great decision you have made. Good Job!

Just remember this: In 1900, President William McKinley used his running-mate to stump for him, and he was so effective that many people thought that they were voting for the Vice-President, not McKinley.
That VP was Theodore Roosevelt.

What I love about Utah

On our way home from swiss days yesterday I remembered how pretty Utah is. I love driving down the canyon. I did take this picture out my window while I  was driving. It turned out pretty good considering I wasn't looking. 

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Petting Zoo

Yesterday Gavin and I went to the petting zoo at Gardner Village. My neighbor Jamey told me about it (Thanks Jamey!). He loved it. We rode a pony before we went through the zoo. Gavin was a pro he held on tight to the saddle and had the biggest grin the whole time. His horse sneezed a couple of times and Gavin just screamed. When the ride was over he wouldn't let go of the saddle. I had to pull him away from it. It was really cute how much he loved the horse's. Next time I'll bring T.j. so that we can get some pics. After all ridding horses is in his blood. I died at how close Gavin dared to get to this goat it was huge! I finally got scared and pulled him away. I could just see him getting mowed down by it. Scary.
I wish his eyes were opened. 

Gavin is well if you can't tell a little crazy. I bought this cute monkey (leash) to help me hang on to him better. I think he just gets more frustrated when I use it. It's definitely a work out anytime we go out to a public place. We went to Sams club today and 6 different people came up to Gavin to talk to him. People just love him. Mostly old men (. For some reason they love him in his little hat. He's just such a friendly little guy. He's constantly waving and smiling at everyone. 

Some sad news about Gavin we found out this week that he is for sure allergic to milk. Well cow's milk. Thank goodness for soy milk. He's definitely doing a lot better now that he's taking the soy. I am going to start to test him with other dairy products next week to see what it all includes. He has a small rash around his mouth from the milk that we need to get better first. Wish us luck. 

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Birthday Party!

Sorry Gavin the hat was just to cute not to get you. Ok, ok I know you look like yodeler. 
Yes I forgot to get a good picture of the cute cake. It was a bunch of cupcakes pushed together to make a gold fish. It was good too. 
This is the only picture of one of the guest cousin Lochlan. Next time we need to have a camera person. Jake did a great job on the video camera though. I wish we would have gotten some more pictures of everyone. Sorry. 
He really liked the cupcakes.
This was the bat that the kids used to beat the pinyada

The 14th was Gavin's first birthday. We had a big party with all our friends and family. Gavin had a great time. The party was at the Herriman splash pad and park, it was so much fun. We ate cake, pizza,  played in the water and we even destroyed a pinyada (Jake told me how to spell that) Then after it was all over and Gavin had devoured the frosting off of one of the cup cakes he decided to run all the way around the park. T.J. and our friend Chris chased him. This was at 9:00 at night. This kid usually goes to bed at 7:00. He was breathing so heavy. It was really funny. I guess you can tell that was a lot of sugar for him. We really did have a blast and we were so excited that everyone was able to come and have fun with us. So I just wanted to give everyone a shout out that came and say thanks so much. 
Little Joey
Girl Cousin
Boy 1
Boy 2
Chris H.

Thanks again I hope you all had as much fun as we did!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I'm Bored!

It's hard finding things to entertain Gavin. That's when it's nice to have the dogs for him to play with. If you can't tell from my previous post he's very active and extremely energetic so to having some down time is hard for him. 

My eye is broken!

I woke up to Gavin crying this morning. When I went in his room I turned on the light, only to discover his eye was glued shut from eye goobers. It was so funny I couldn't help but laugh. 

Thanks Grandma Jackie! Early Birthday Presents!

How could I make him wait?
He loves this little backpack his grandma bought him. 
I love how interested he is getting in books.
If you can't tell he loved it.
Thanks again for the great gifts. They were perfect. 

More gifts from Grandma

His new favorite toy is his hammer. He loves hitting things like his new books. 

She also bought him this cute pooh bear outfit. He tipped over when I put the back pack on with some books in it. I laughed pretty hard. He really likes putting things in the back pack. We read a bunch of the books that night. He really likes being read too. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My new favorite toy

Gavin figured out how to open the lower drawer on the oven. He loves it, I don't. He loves taking out every pan in there and dragging it all over the house. The other day he got a cookie sheet out, put it on the kitchen floor and then decided to try and surf on it. That one hurt. He carried this cooling rack around with him all day yesterday, like it was the coolest thing ever. He would lay it on the carpet and walk on it and then open it up and put his other toys on top. Why do we waste our money on expensive toys? I need to just save my money until he's 14. 

My big boy hat

Gavin's mexican wrestling mask fishing hat is to small now, I found this hat at the Gap obviously, I was so excited to see it on him. I am just glad he doesn't mind wearing it. T.j and I both love wearing hats so I guess its in his blood. The only thing is that it makes him look so old! I don't know how I like that. Who does this picture at the bottom remind you of? Hint uncle Jake the snake. I love all the pic of him when he was younger just for the fact that he always smiled with his eye's closed. I can't believe how much that pic look like him. I will have to scan one if I have it and compare. 

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The 24th

We took these a few days ago. Gavin had a heart attack. He just wanted to touch, touch, touch.  Jake really wanted to be incharge of the fireworks, lets just say it took about an hour to light 20 small ones. But we had fun watching them. It was sad thought because we didn't really do anything with family. I missed it.